
Showing posts from June, 2022


  DATE OF ADMISSION - 22/06/22 CHIEF COMPLAINTS - 45 yr old female came to OPD with chief complaints of swollen legs,leg pain,distended abdomen. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS  -C/O abdominal distension since 2months - pedal edema and shortness of breath since 2months. -k/o decreased appetite and loss of weight. HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS   k/c/o DM and on INJ mixtard insulin k/c/o hypothyroidism and on T.Thyronorm k/c/o HTN and on T.Telma. TREATMENT HISTORY k/c/o DM,HTN Not a k/c/o CAD,TB,asthma,chemo,radiation and blood transfusion. PERSONAL HISTORY Mixed diet Appetite Normal Sleep adequate Bowel and Bladder movements regular. FAMILY HISTORY Not significant  PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Temp- afebrile BP-130/70 mm hg Pulse rate-98/min Respiratory rate-22/min Spo2-98% GRBS-540mg% -No signs of pallor,cyanosis,lymphadenopathy,icterus. SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION  CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM • S1, S2 heard • No murmurs RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: • NVBS heard •Position of trachea - central •Breath sounds - vesicular ABDOME


 A 51 year old female who is a labourer by occupation  presented to the opd with chief c/o of loose stools , bloating , stomach pain and dry mouth since 10 days .  CHIEF C/O :  1) loose stools  2 ) vomitings  3).stomach pain since 10 days  H/O PAST ILLNESS :  1) N/k/C/o of HTN, DM , TB , CAD , epilepsy  H/O of PRESENT ILLNESS :    No complaints of burning micturition   No complaints of blood in stools    No complaints of fever  TREATMENT HISTORY :      Saline was infused       Tablets for motions and stomach pain were given  PERSONAL HISTORY :      Loss of appetite       Alc consumption- no        Smoking - no         Toddy - drank toddy in summer for 20 days   FAMILY HISTORY :        Nothing significant    PHYSICAL EXAMINATION :  > GENERAL EXAMINATION     No pallor , no cyanosis , no icterus , no lymphadenopathy, no clubbing , dehydration present, no oedema  1) VITALS :       Temp - 98.8 F        Pulse rate - 114/min        Respiratory rate - 20 / min        Bp - 130/100 mm/Hg