Diminution of vision

 Date of admission - 11/09/2023

Chief complaints : 

A male patient of age 77 years old resident of vangamuthy presented to the opd with chief complaints of 

1) diminution of vision in both eyes since 2 years 

History of presenting illness : 

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 months ago and he developed diminution of vision which was insidious in onset and gradually progressive in nature . 

It was not associated with watering , photophobia , redness or itching . 

History of past illness :

There was a history of surgery related to CHD 1 year ago 

There was a history of auditory and visual hallucinations since 1 year and was diagnosed 1 month ago .

K/C/O of DM 2 since months 

Not K/C/O of asthma , epilepsy , Tb 

Treatment history :  

1) Metformin 500 mg 

2) risperidone 2 mg 

Personal history : 

Sleep : inadequate 

Appetite : loss of appetite 

Bladder and bowel : regular 

Drug allergies : no 

Addictions : no 

Family history : 

Not significant

Physical examination : 

1) general examination: 

Height - 

Weight - 

Icterus - no 

Cyanosis - no 

Clubbing - no 

Pedal Edema - no 

Temperature - 98 f 

Pulse rate - 78 bpm

Respiratory rate - 17 pm 

Spo2 - 98 % 

Grbs-  136 mg % 

2) systemic examination: 

CVS - s1 , s 2 heard 

CNS - All higher centres intact 


1) Fasting blood sugar 

2) RFT

3) HBs Ag rapid 

Provisional diagnosis : 

                   Left eye senile mature cataract 

1) right eye picture : 

2) left eye picture 


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